Cantele Amativo Salento IGT, Puglia, Italy 2019

Cantele Amativo Salento IGT, Puglia, Italy 2019

Cantele Amativo Salento IGT, Puglia, Italy 2019

Regular price $ 35.09 Offer price $ 32.00 Save $ 3.09
Inexpugnable ruby red, offering the eyes a preview of the wines complex structure, flavors, and aromas. Notes of rose and violet emerge in a slow, long-lasting progression, giving way to wild fruit, dried fig, preserves, and vanilla. The same aromatic equilibrium reappears in the mouth, releasing delicate progressions of fruit and spice. The rich, balanced flavor of this wine’s components give it its distinctive imprint. And its extreme delicacy closes with ample, persistent flavors in the finish.
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