Adegas Gran Vinum Seleccion Especial Albarino, Rias Baixas, Spain 2022

Adegas Gran Vinum Seleccion Especial Albarino, Rias Baixas, Spain 2022

Adegas Gran Vinum Seleccion Especial Albarino, Rias Baixas, Spain 2022

Regular price $ 31.89 Offer price $ 28.99 Save $ 2.90

Visual: Straw yellow color with intense greenish tones, clean and bright.

Olfactory: Medium-high intensity, in the foreground there are notes of citrus, grapefruit, lemon, white fruits, water pear, tropical, lychees and stone fruit, peach. Background with balsamic notes.

Gustatory: Very fresh mouth, good acidity, balanced, with lots of fresh fruit, citric, pineapple, fatty and long sensations return.

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