Ishioka Shuzo Tsukuba 'Sake Story Mighty Peak' Tokubetsu Junmai Sake, Japan NV 1.8L

Ishioka Shuzo Tsukuba 'Sake Story Mighty Peak' Tokubetsu Junmai Sake, Japan NV 1.8L

Ishioka Shuzo Tsukuba 'Sake Story Mighty Peak' Tokubetsu Junmai Sake, Japan NV 1.8L

Regular price $ 66.29
This drink starts with an aroma that is ricey, with light notes of bamboo, yeast and a touch of astringency. The taste is dry, grainy, and quite light. It starts with a very mild (watery) feel, building towards a slightly tart punch, and then a lingering finish with a spice that can only be described as peppery. Very silky texture.
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